Most parents would not want to think that their child could be a school bully. About 8% of school-age kids are bullies, so there is a chance your son or daughter could be one. How would you know? Here is a short checklist of common characteristics that bullies share:
The Search Institute has developed a more comprehensive checklist that you can find on this blog. If you suspect that you child has been teasing or bullying classmates, the checklist may help you pinpoint specific behaviors that are troubling. If you find red flags popping up everywhere, talk to your child’s teacher or other school official about what they have heard or observed. If they corroborate your suspicions, it’s time to confront your child about bullying and help him or her manage his or her feelings, impulses and aggression. Your child’s school may be able to connect your family to school and community resources that can help you deal with the bullying problem.
Samantha Davis, B.S.
Family, Health and Wellness Educator
518-962-4810 ext.401
Last updated August 4, 2020